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虽然貌合 实则神离

来源:用户上传      作者: 陈海林

   摘 要: 在英语一些惯用法中,冠词是一个难点,有些词语加定冠词与不加定冠词或者加不定冠词,虽然只是一词之差,但意义差别很大,有些相去甚远。本文尝试举例探索,寻找这种差别的规律性,用以指导学生理解掌握,授人以渔,便于以后的学习。
   关键词: 英语; 定冠词; 习惯用法; 区别
  中图分类号: G623.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1009-8631(2011)01-0182-01
   The pot is on the fire.锅在炉子上。
   The house is on fire.房子着火了。
   He is in the office.他在办公室。
   The Republicans are in office.共和党在执政。从具体意义中得到抽象意义“执政”。
   There is a hospital in the prison.在监狱里有一个医院。
   The would-be queen is now in prison.那个想当女皇的人现在坐牢了。in 加prison 得到抽象意义“坐牢”
   They are sitting at the table.他们坐在桌子旁边。
   They are at table.他们在吃饭。
   The children are playing on the bed.在具体位置(床上)。
   Children go to bed.上床睡觉。
   They had a comfortable day in the plane.在飞机上。
   They went to shanghai by plane.表示出行方式。
   类似的用法还有:by car乘车;in a car 在车里面;by bus乘公共汽车; on the bus 等。
   He lives in the hospital.他居住在医院。
   He is ill in hospital.他生病住院了。
   Though she is young,she is at school.她在学校学习。
   School is over,She is still in the school.放学了,她还在学校。
   school 前面不加冠词表示抽象意义,其它一些短语,例如:after school放学,leave /finish school 毕业,go to school上学,go to the school 去学校,School begins at eight.八点开始上课。
   go to church 去做礼拜;go to the church 去教堂(地方);go to sea 去当水手;go to the sea去海边;go to prison 入监狱,被监禁;in court 受审;in the court 在法庭上。
   go to the prison 到监狱去,go to market 去市场买东西,go to the market到市场上去。
   go to the cinema(film)去看电影
   go to the theatre 去看戏
   go to the ball 去跳舞
   go to the lecture 去听演讲
   Europe is at the crossroads. 欧洲面临抉择的关头。
   She keeps house. house没有前没加定冠词,意义抽象化成了“管理家务”。
   She keeps the house. house前加了定冠词后又具体化“留在家里”。
   He told her the matter in secret.他把此事暗中告诉了她。
   He is in the secret.他参与这个阴谋。抽象名词secret加定冠词具体化 。
   Your success is out of question.你毫无疑问能成功。
   It's raining hard. The football match is out of the question.足球比赛不可能了
   She is in the family way.她怀孕了。加the指特殊意义"怀孕“。
   Today, we shall meet in a family way.今天,我们聚会不拘形式。
   The book is in the family way.书在印刷中。
   in front of在....前面(某物范围以外)in the front of在....的前部(特指某物的前部,某物范围以内)
   by day日间;白天里by the day按日记。
   I prefer to travel by day rather than by night.我喜欢白天旅行,而不喜欢夜晚旅行。
   The bank calculates the interest on bill by the day.银行按日计算利息。
   on board意思是:“在船上”on the board是“在会上讨论” 而on the boards 则是“登台作演员”。
   此外还有,by the hour 按小时计,by the month 按月计,by the dozen 以打计,by the thousand 以千计,by the yard 以按尺码
   如 the north of China 中国的北方 North China 华北,是专有名词 the south of China 中国的南方South China 华南,专有名词。
   the wealthy 富人 the poor 穷人the living 生者 the dead死者the impossible不可能的事 the unknown 未知世界 the aged 老人 the weak 弱者 the blind 盲人等。
   [1] 许孟雄.英语难题研究一千则[M].北京师范大学出版社.
   [2] 王海银,沙新惠.现代英语相似词语辨析[M].安徽教育出版社.
   [3] 桂绍盱.常用英语正误举例[M].上海教育出版社.
   [4] 汪榕培,李冬.实用英语词汇学[M].辽宁人民出版社.
