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来源:用户上传      作者: 蔡宏华 王新光 邬哲慧 缪海雄 郑剑平

  【摘要】 目的 探讨经椎弓根椎体植骨后路三柱植骨在胸腰段骨折治疗中的临床应用。方法 自2004年10月至2007年8月本院收治的胸腰段骨折患者53例,其中男34例,女19例;年龄26~46岁,平均36岁;T118例,T1219例,L126例。骨折类型:压缩型11例,爆裂型42例。神经功能按ASIA分级:A级5例,B级7例,C级15例,D级7例,E级19例。本组病例全部经后路手术,行或不行椎板减压,病椎经椎弓根前中柱植骨,双侧横突植骨,未经椎板减压患者加用椎板植骨。术前、术后及随访时摄X线检查,测量观察椎体高度有无丢失,内固定有无断裂、松动情况发生。结果 53例患者均达理想复位,术后随访8~48个月,平均25个月,53例患者骨折均骨性愈合,未发现畸形矫正度的丧失,无断钉或断棒现象,术后三柱融合佳,近期观察未见病椎角度丢失。除3例A级患者神经功能无恢复外,其余患者均有Ⅰ级以上的恢复。结论 经后路短节段椎弓根内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折对恢复神经功能病椎高度和生理曲度效果佳,经椎弓根椎体前中柱植骨对恢复脊柱三柱稳定性、降低术后病椎高度丢失效果良好。
  【关键词】胸腰椎骨折; 椎弓根; 植骨
  The short-term effect of thoracolumbar fracture treated with transpedicular intracorporeal grafting and pedicle screw internal fixation
  CAI Hong-hua,WANG Xin-guang,WU Zhe-hui,et al.Centre People’s Hospital in Huizhou City,Guangdong 516001,China
  【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical application of transpedicular intracorporeal grafting in the treatment ofthoracolumbar fracture.Methods 53 patients with thoracolumbar fracture from Oct 2004 to Aug 2007,34 cases were male and 19 cases were female; the age ranged from 26 to 46 years old,average 36 years old; including 8 cases of T11 fracture,19 cases of T12 fracture and 26 cases of L1 fracture,11 cases were compressive fracture and 42 cases were burst fracture;5 cases were grade A,7 cases were grade B,15 cases were grade C,7 cases were grade D and19 cases were grade E according to the ASIA neurological impair scale,all the cases were treated with pedicle screw internal fixation with posterior approach,laminectomy were performed in some cases according the personal circumstances,the transpedicular bone grafting were palced in the anterior and medial column of the injured vertebrae combined with transverse process bone grafting,vertebral plate bone grafting were used in the non-laminectomy cases.The height of the injured vertebrae was measured and the internal fixation was observed through the preoperative and postoperative X-ray.Results All the fractured vertebrae got well reduction.All cases were followed up 8 to 48 months,25 months in average,all cases got bone healing,there were no loss of the height of the injured vertebraeand no breaking or loosen of the screws or rods.At least 1 grade of ASIA scale of neurological function improvement were got in all cases except in the 3 cases of grade 1.Conclusion The thoracolumbar fractrues were treated withpedicle screw internal fixation can recover the height of the injured vertebrae,improve the neurological function and maintain the physiological curve of the spine,transpedicular intracorporeal grafting can well restore the stability of the three column of spine and avoid losing of height of injured vertebrae.
  【Key words】Thoracolumbar fracture; Pedicle;Bone grafting
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料 2004年10月至2007年8月收治的胸腰椎单节段骨折53例,男34例,女19例;年龄26~46岁,平均36岁。骨折节段:T118例,T1219例,L126例。术前神经功能按ASIA[1]分级:A级5例,B级7例,C级15例,D级7例,E级19例。其中压缩型骨折11例,爆裂型骨折42例。所有患者均经CT扫描证实椎体中柱受损,属不稳定型骨折。所有患者在伤后一周内行后路切开复位,短节段椎弓根钉内固定术,应用内固定器GSS、CDH、MOSS-MIAMI等后路钉棒系统。其中31例行椎板减压,23例未行椎板减压。所有病例术中均经髂后上嵴取骨,伤椎棘突,椎板减压等所咬下的碎骨也用于椎体内及双侧横突间植骨。

  1.2 手术方法
  1.2.1 腰硬联合麻醉下,患者俯卧于U型垫上,常规显露包括病椎在内的上下三个椎体的双侧椎板至横突。椎弓根钉进针点定位采用Weunsten[2]或人字嵴定位点[3],手锥钻孔后插入克氏针,经C型臂X线机明确在椎弓根内后,拧入椎弓根钉。术前CT扫描椎管明显受压,超过50%和(或)存在神经症状者均行椎管减压,然后安装纵连杆按步骤撑开恢复病椎高度。
  1.2.2 应用田氏脊柱花刀探查并复位突入椎管后方骨块,注意尽量减少刺激脊髓,如减压彻底可见硬膜明显搏动。术中可能见椎管静脉丛出血,多经压迫或减压后能很好地止血。
  1.2.3 病椎椎弓根定位后,运用协和环钻经椎弓根钻孔[4],经病椎两侧椎弓根钻孔形成椎弓根通道,用Krrison咬钳经通道咬除压入椎体的髓核或用脊柱花刀复位塌陷的终板。如纵连杆对病椎通道操作有影响可拆除一侧纵连杆,形成通道后从新装上。
  1.2.4 髂后上嵴取松质骨,如行椎板减压,连同椎板及棘突所咬下的碎骨,一起经病椎椎弓根通道植入椎体,53例病例植骨量7~9 g。植骨过程经C型臂X线机监控。将包括病椎在内的上下三个脊椎横突用磨钻磨除皮质,剩余碎骨植于两侧横突间。未行椎管减压病例,磨钻磨除椎板皮质后加行椎板植骨。
  1.2.5 椎管减压的病例于减压创面注射生物蛋白胶或取脂肪垫覆盖防粘连。常规置胶管负压引流。
  1.3 术后处理 48 h后拔引流管。拔引流管后,双下肢肌力在Ⅳ级以上的可戴支具下床活动,双下肢肌力Ⅲ级以下的卧床功能锻炼。3个月后去支具负重。
  2 结果
  53例病例椎弓根钉均能准确置入椎弓根处,病椎高度恢复90%以上。伤前的后突畸形Cobb角平均为26°(11°~32°),术后纠正至平均3°(1°~7°)。术后随访8~48个月,平均25个月,53例患者骨折均骨性愈合,未发现畸形矫正度的丧失,无断钉或断棒现象。最初ASIA分级A级3例无恢复,2例恢复至C级;B级5例恢复至D级,2例恢复至C级;C级10例恢复至E级,5例恢复至D级;D级7例均恢复至E级; E级19例无加重。37例患者已于术后12个月左右拆除内固定器,近期随访未见再次塌陷。
  3 讨论
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