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  Microbiologist and immunologist. Born in Shanghai. Graduated from Soochow University, Suzhou in 1921. Received MD from Xiangya University, Changsha in 1926. Continued research in the Medical School, Harvard University, USA from 1932 to 1934. Professor, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. In the 1930s and 1940s, Xie focused his research on infectious diseases. He was the first who successfully cultivated typhus rickettsia in chicken embryo in 1934. He has been doing research and teaching for over 60 years, making great contributions to the development of medical sciences. He has educated and trained many young scientists by organizing different kinds of training courses and seminars. He always encourages students to learn and to solve questions by themselves and insists that students and teachers should help each other. He emphasizes that research work must be closely integrated with the need of medical clinics. He pays much attention to scientific advances abroad. He started the research on the linkage of nervous system with immune system in the 1950s.
  In the 1970, he devoted great effort to the study, popularization and standardization of new methods and new technologies on immunology so as to facilitate the progress of immunology in China.He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.