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来源:用户上传      作者: 宋丽丽 韩建峰 李勣 李秀娟

  摘 要 信息论与编码是信息、通信类专业开设的一门技术基础课,该课程的理论性强,比较抽象难懂。利用MATLAB中GUI图形用户界面设计的实验系统,实现信源熵、信道容量的计算以及几种常见的信源信道编码方法。实践证明,系统具有操作简单、直观便捷等特点,便于学生更好地理解和掌握理论知识。
  关键词 信息论与编码;实验系统;GUI
  中图分类号:TN911.2 文献标识码:B
  Information Theory and Coding Experimental System based on GUI//SONG Lili, HAN Jianfeng, LI Ji, LI Xiujuan
  Abstract Information Theory and Coding is a specialized basic course for the students of specialty on information science and communication. It is theoretical and difficult to understand. The experimental system is designed using graphical user interface (GUI) of MATLAB. The source entropy and channel capacity calculation are realized, the several method of coding are realized. Practice has proved that the system is simple, intuitive and convenient features, which can inspire the students interest in learning theoretical knowledge.
  Key words information theory and coding; experimental system; GUI
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