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  Hey, what’s up? I’m Mandy Moore, Epic Records’ new recording artist. This whole industry is so much fun, and I love being an artist and performing live and you know everything that comes along with it. I saw my first play when I was six, totally hooked. My parents kind of thought it was a phase I was going to grow out of, but by the time I was about nine or ten they were like, "All right, you’re not giving up on this, "and they let me get voice lessons, you know to make sure that I was properly and I wasn’t hurting myself. It was quite amazing you know to get that phone call to actually have the meeting and meet with somebody from a record label and it was very surreal. But recording is like, it’s so cool because you get to have all this creative control like how I want harmonies and how I want to do ad-libs and stuff like that, so it really made it seem, even though I didn’t write the song, that they were my own, because I got to pure a lot of myself into them. So I loved recording. It was very hard, I mean long hours anywhere from like 8 to 10 hours a day, and something got you know pretty stressful and strenuous just doing lines over and over and over again. But I remember something like, like for candy, the whole little speaking part in the middle, actually I penned myself. So I was quite proud of myself.
