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  关键词:容易产生 不容易产生 癌变 脏器
  A、 胃 B、肺 C、肝脏 D、食管 E、结――直肠F、乳腺
  a、 心脏――人体的心脏几乎是不产生原发性癌变的
  b、 脾脏――人体的脾脏是极少,极少产生原发性癌变的,临床上1000万分之一的比例都难以达到。
  c、 肾脏――人体的肾脏也是很少产生原发性癌变的。
  d、 小肠、十二指肠――人体的小肠系也是极少产生原发性癌变的。
  a、 容易产生癌变的脏器――原因主要是哪些脏器容易受到外界有毒、有害物质的创伤。因为哪些脏器大多与外界相交通,是食物,营养物,水等的直接或间接通道。或是消化食物,或是担当人体的解毒重任!因与外界相交通易接触到外界有毒、有害物质,容易受到创伤,久而久之即患上了癌症。因担当排毒的重任!接触到有毒、有害物质的机会多,使那些脏器免疫力下降,久而久之也患上了癌症。
  b、 不容易产生癌变的脏器――原因,因哪些脏器生长在人体较隐秘的部位,在人体担当的作用与功能也相对少些。因而受到外界有毒、有害物质的创伤机会相对较其它脏器要少一些,其免疫力下降也少一些,所以它患上癌症的机会也就少一些。
  a、 与外界相互交通,在人体担当的功能任务重一些的脏器患癌症的概率就高一些。
  b、 生长在人体较为隐蔽部位的脏器,在人体担当的功能和任务少一些的脏器,患上癌症的概率就少一些。
  c、 对癌细胞免疫力高一点的脏器,其患癌症的概率就少一些。
  d、 对癌细胞免疫力低一点的脏器,其患癌症的概率就高一些。
  Cancer-prone Organs and Cancer-resistant Organs in the Body
  1. Fan Zhihua, Hangzhou Fan Zhihua Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd, 310012
  2. Chen Shaoyan, Hangzhou Qianjiang Hospital
  3. Xu Jianbin, Department of Pathology Research, Fuzhou Medical College of Nanchang University
  4. Zhao Wenqiang, No.2 Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Nanchang
  Keywords: cancer-pronecancer-resistant organ
  Cancer can be found in almost every organ in human body. But some organs are cancer-prone, and some cancer-resistant. Why are some organs cancer-prone?
  1. Cancer-prone organs
   A. Gastric B. Lung C. liver D. esophagus E. Colon - rectum F. breast
  People from different races home and abroad are similar in this point.
  2. Cancer-resistant organs
  a. Heart -heart is almost free from primary canceration.
  b.Spleen - spleen can hardly suffer from primary canceration. The cases are less than 1/10000000 clinically.
  c. Kidney - kidney also hardly leads to primary canceration.
  d. Small intestine, duodenum - Primary canceration can hardly be found in intestinal system.
  3. Discussion
   Why some organs are cancer-prone while some are not?
  a. cancer-prone organs -It is because that these organs are vulnerable to traumas which caused by the external toxic and hazardous material. Such organs often serve to be the direct or indirect channels between human body and outside material, such as food, nutrition, and water. They either digest food or detoxicate the body. Because these organs have to directly or indirectly deal with the outside toxic and hazardous material, after some time, they may be turn cancerous. On the other, because such organs have to detoxicate the body, they can be more easily exposed to the external toxic and hazardous material, which will weaken the immunity of these organs. Therefore, they are also likely to turn cancerous.
  b. cancer-resistant organs---- It is because that these organs locate in the hidden parts of the body. They don’t have to assume so many functions of the body. Therefore, they are fewer opportunities for them to be exposed to the outside toxic and hazardous material, and thus can secure its immunity. So there are fewer chances for them to be affected by cancer.
  4. Summary
  a.Those organs which connect with the outside world and assume more functions in the body are cancer-prone.
  b.Those organs which locate in hidden place in the body and assume fewer functions in the body are usually cancer-resistant.
  c. Those organs with higher immunity are less afflicted by cancer.
  d. Those organs with lower immunity are more often afflicted by cancer.
