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  摘 要:无轴承永磁同步电机是一种正弦波驱动的电机,气隙磁场的正弦性影响着电机的性能,为了获得较小的转矩脉动和悬浮力脉动,提出了永磁体采用组合磁极的特殊结构。首先阐述了该结构对改善气隙磁场正弦性的作用,推导出了新的数学模型。其次,基于有限元分析,利用田口法正交试验,以电机的电磁转矩脉动与转矩平均值的比值和悬浮力脉动与悬浮力平均值作为评价标准,优化设计了磁极参数。最后将优化后的组合磁极式BPMSM与传统的单一磁极的BPMSM对比分析,结果显示,优化后的电机空载气隙磁密波形得到了明显改善,在保证转矩和悬浮力大小的基础上,转矩脉动和悬浮力脉动显著减小。
  中图分类号:TM 303文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2020)03-0123-08
  Abstract:The bearingless permanent magnet synchronous motor(BPMSM)is driven by sinusoidal wave, so the performance of motor is affected by sinusoidal shape of the airgap magnetic flux distribution. To reduce the torque ripples and suspension force ripples, a special structure called modular permanent magnet poles is proposed. Firstly, the effect of the structure to improve sinusoidal shape of the airgap magnetic flux distribution was described. Then, a mathematical model is deduced. Secondly, taguchi method was employed to optimize magnetic pole parameters where the ratio of torque ripples to average torque and the ratio of suspension force ripples to average suspension force were chosen as an objective function. Finally, conventional BPMSM with common pole and the BPMSM with modular pole were compared. The results show that the optimized noload airgap flux density waveform is significantly improved and lower torque ripples and suspension force ripples are produced based on almost the same average torque and suspension force.
  Keywords:bearingless permanent magnet synchronous motor; modular poles; taguchi method; torque ripples; suspension force ripples
  0 引 言
  無轴承永磁同步电机(bearingless permanent magnet synchronous motor,BPMSM)继承了磁悬浮轴承没有机械磨损、噪声小和寿命长等优点,于此同时具有永磁同步电机的优良运行特性,受到了人们越来越多的关注。BPMSM在定子中同时嵌入极对数相差为1的转矩绕组和悬浮力绕组,转矩绕组和永磁体产生的气隙磁链作用生成转矩,转矩绕组与永磁体产生的合成气隙磁链与悬浮绕组产生的气隙磁链作用生成悬浮力。对于正弦波驱动的无轴承永磁同步电机,永磁体的气隙磁密分布影响着BPMSM的性能,当气隙磁密分布为正弦波时性能最佳,永磁体磁密分布的形状主要取决于永磁体的材料和磁极参数。
  针对以上的问题,本文提出采用组合磁极改善气隙磁密正弦性的方法,其中组合磁极所用的材料为不同型号的钕铁硼。通过将这些磁极材料作为永磁体段的方式进行组合,形成厚度相同,宽度不同的组合磁极,可以改善气隙磁密的波形,进而提高电机的性能。本文分析了组合磁极改善气隙磁密的原理,推出了采用组合磁极的表贴式无轴承永磁同步电机的数学模型,基于有限元分析,采用Taguchi方法进行正交试验,以转矩脉动和悬浮力脉动为评价标准,优化设计了该电机转子磁极的结构参数。   1 组合磁极的磁密分布
  4 结 论
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