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来源:用户上传      作者:李芳

  摘 要:本文针对疫情防控常态下毕业生就业下滑趋势明显的现状,从高校毕业生就业的适应性、网络平台的建设和使用方面,通过问卷抽样调查和访谈等形式进行实证研究。经过对调查数据的分析研究,目前制约高校毕业生就业的主要问题在经济的下行压力增大的形势下,毕业生网络求职的适应性不强,求职招聘平台建设方面不足是制约就业的主要原因。本文着重从高校毕业生网络求职的适应性方面,提出高校毕业生应自身更新求职就业观念,加强网络求职就业知识和技能的学习,加强自身的专业素质和实践能力的培养等途径,提升高校大学生网络求职的能力,增强其网络求职的适应性,实现疫情下高校大学生网络就业大突破。
  中图分类号:C 93 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 - 7312(2022)01 - 0127 - 08Research on Adaptability of College Graduates to Online Job
  Abstract:Aiming at the current situation of the obvious decline in employment of graduates under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control,this paper conducts empirical research through questionnaire sample surveys and interviews in terms of the adaptability of college graduates’ employment and the construction and use of online platforms.After analyzing and researching the survey data,the main problem restricting the employment of college graduates is that under the situation of increasing downward pressure on the economy,the adaptability of graduates’ online job hunting is not strong,and the lack of job hunting platform construction is the main reason for restricting employment.This article focuses on the adaptability of online job hunting for college graduates,suggesting that college graduates should update their job hunting concepts,strengthen the learning of online job hunting and employment knowledge and skills,strengthen their own professional quality and practical ability training,and improve college students’ ability of online job hunting,enhances its adaptability for online job hunting,and achieves a breakthrough in online job hunting for college students under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control.
  Key words:normal situation of epidemic prevention and control;college graduates;online job hunting;adaptability
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  在学术界对该领域研究成果较少,在中国知网中,以“重大疫情期间高校毕业生就业网络招聘”为主题搜索,内容相关的文章就3-5篇。以“高校毕业生网络招聘”为篇名有9篇,为主题搜索有60篇;以“毕业生网络招聘”为篇名搜索有17篇,为主题搜索有53篇;以“高校网络招聘”为篇名搜索有23篇,为主题搜索有56篇;以“网络招聘”为篇名搜索有1 097篇,为主题搜索有2 198篇。大部分研究成果多在关于公司、企业的网络招聘。经对有关毕业生的网络招聘文献梳理,这些研究主要有以下特点:①2015年以后的研究成果较多,重大疫情期间的研究成果寥寥无几;②研究成果介绍就业形势、就业市场基本现状,人才市场结构现状较多;③研究大多是关于企业对于人才的需求特点要求,而且比较同质化,属粗放型的研究;④在用人单位对就业能力需求的研究上,注重人际沟通,工作经验,性格分析就业能力、学习能力、应变能力等,从职业岗位的角度研究人才应具备的就业胜任能力、素质等;⑤对于毕业生就业能力研究的同质化较多,从具体领域、岗位、工作等细化程度,研究的不多;⑥校园网络招聘信息发布、平台介绍的较多;⑦介绍国外高校毕业生运用网络求职研究成果较多,运用SNSs研究人才识别及理论、分析技术较多;对于P - J匹配,P - O匹配研究的成果较多。
