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5-HTR1A基因C-1019G多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效相关性的 Meta 分析

来源:用户上传      作者:蔡文文 孙秀丽 崔健 李秀英 桂思兰 张俊青

  摘 要 目的 评价5-HTR1A基因C-1019G多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效的相关性。方法 计算机检索PubMed、Embase、Cochrane 图书馆、中国知网、万方数据、中国生物医学文献数据库和维普网,检索5-HTR1A 基因C-1019G多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效相关性的国内外文献,检索时限均为建库起至2022年2月。根据药物应答结局指标的不同,采用Stata14.0和RevMan 5.4软件分e对有效组和缓解组进行 Meta 分析。结果 共纳入 18 篇文献。合并结果显示,在有效组的隐性基因模型中,亚洲人群 5-HTR1A 基因C-1019G 多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效有相关性(GG vs. CG+CC,OR=0.751,95%CI 为 0.585~0.964,P=0.024),中国地区患者5-HTR1A基因 C-1019G多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效有相关性(GG vs. CG+CC,OR=0.677,95% CI为0.508~0.901,P=0.007);在缓解组中,5-HTR1A 基因 C-1019G 多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效无相关性(P>0.05)。结论 在有效组中,亚洲人群和中国地区患者5-HTR1A基因C-1019G多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效有相关性;而在缓解组中,尚不能证明该多态性与抗抑郁药物疗效有关。
  关键词 抗抑郁药物;5-HTR1A基因;C-1019G多态性;疗效;Meta分析
  Association of 5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism with antidepressant efficacy:a meta-analysis
  CAI Wenwen SUN Xiuli CUI Jian LI Xiuying GUI Silan ZHANG Junqing(1. Dept. of Pharmacy,Shangdong Daizhuang Hospital,Shandong Jining 272000,China;2. Dept. Four of Psychiatry,ShangdongDaizhuang Hospital,Shandong Jining 272000,China;3. Dept. One of Psychiatry,Shangdong DaizhuangHospital,Shandong Jining 272000,China)
  ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the correlation between 5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism and the efficacy ofantidepressants. METHODS PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,CNKI,Wanfang database,CBM and VIP database weresearched for domestic and foreign literatures on the correlation between 5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism and antidepressantefficacy. The retrieval time limit was from the inception to February 2022. According to different outcome measures of drugresponse,Stata 14.0 and RevMan 5.4 software were used for meta-analysis of efficacy group and remission group,respectively.RESULTS A total of 18 literature were included. The combined results showed that among recessive gene model in valid group,the correlation of 5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism with the efficacy of antidepressants had statistically significance in Asianpopulation(GG vs. CG+CC,OR=0.751,95%CI=0.585-0.964,P=0.024). There was statistical significance in the correlation of5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism and the efficacy of antidepressants in China(GG vs. CG + CC,OR=0.677,95%CI= 0.508-0.901,P=0.007). There was no statistical significance in the correlation of 5-HTR1A gene C-1019G polymorphism and theefficacy of antidepressants in remission group (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS In the effective group,5-HTR1A gene C-1019Gpolymorphism is correlated with the efficacy of antidepressants in the Asian population and the Chinese population;while in theremission group,it is not proved that this polymorphism is correlated with the efficacy of antidepressants.


