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来源:用户上传      作者:李沁雨 岳泉 袁勤俭

  Social Learning Theory and Its Application and Prospect in the
  Field of Information System ResearchLi QinyuYue QuanYuan Qinjian
  (School of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
  Abstract:[Purpose/Significance]This study aims to help scholars clarify the development process of social learning theory and its application in the field of information system,and fill the lack of domestic research on the application of social learning theory in the field of information system.[Method/Process]By concluding a detailed literature review of researches based on social learning theory,this study summarized the application results of this theory in information system research and discussed the limitations of the current research and the future research direction.[Results /Conclusions]The application of social learning theory in information system research mainly includes four aspects:the design and optimization of information system,the participation and sustainable use of information system users,consumers' purchase intention,and the influencing factors of cyber crime;At the same time,there are some problems in the current research,such as ignoring the dynamics of information system,lack of subdivision of information system categories,lack of research on subject self-regulation behavior,few research situations and single empirical research methods.Future research can make progress in these aspects.
  Key words:social learning theory;information system;learning behavior
  阿伯特・班杜拉(Albert Banduar)于1971年首次明确提出了社会学习理论(Social Learning Theory,以下简称“SLT”),其核心思想是:人们会观察并学习或模仿他人行为,并会按照自我确立的标准来强化或弱化这种行为。
  SLT作为解释人类模仿和学习行为的重要理论,在各领域得到了广泛的应用。为了帮助人们了解SLT基本内容及应用现状,有学者从以下两个方面对已有文献展开了评述:①基本内容、理论发展及实证地位的梳理。吴刚等主要从SLT的主要观点、应用领域、研究维度和理论嬗变4个方面对理论的基本内容及理论的发展和应用进行了阐述[1]。在理论介绍的基础上,Kruis N E等进一步针对SLT关于物质使用的概念进行了实证检验[2],而Pratt T C等则通过对近30多年来SLT相关实证文献进行荟萃分析,以评估其实证地位[3];②特定领域应用研究的梳理。康健对其在投资决策的研究进行了梳理并总结了SLT对理性羊群行为的影响[4]。在社会学领域,SLT常常被用来研究人类行为,Chavis A M根据SLT提出处理人类行为的结构性与实用性并存的方法,并指出了遵循理论及其方法的有效性[5],而针对犯罪行为,Tittle C R主要阐述了SLT在应用中的演变过程[6]。此外,还有学者对其在教育领域的研究进行梳理,Hill J R等将语境、文化、社区以及学习者特征作为教学的影响因素,并提出应制定有效的设计原则、促进社会互动学习以及考察学习者个体特征[7],Bahn D则着眼护理教育,强调了学习过程中观察学习和模仿他人的重要性[8]。总体而言,该理论相关的研究性综述仍然比较匮乏,并且存在时间久远、研究范围狭窄等问题。


