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来源:用户上传      作者:秦宇远 张雯 闵超

  Research on Evaluation and Countermeasures of Military
  Civilian Integration Development in Key Regions under the
  Background of Regional Coordination StrategyQin Yuyuan Zhang Wen Min Chao
  (1.Office of Science and Technology,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;
  2.School of Economics,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China;
  3.School of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
  Abstract:[Purpose/Significance]Carrying out the research on military civilian integration development under the regional coordinated development strategy is not only of theoretical significance to promote the innovation of national development strategy,but also of great practical significance to promote the realization of China's“two centenary”goals.[Method/Process]Based on the analysis of the mechanism of regional coordinated development promoting the development of military civilian integration,the paper constructed an evaluation index system of military civilian integration development at the regional level,and used the entropy method to calculate the development level of military civilian integration in 31 provinces and cities in China.[Results/Conclusion]This paper identifies the key areas of China's military civilian integration development.It is concluded that in the process of promoting the development of military civilian integration,the key regions in China are mainly faced with the difficulties of military industry and technology upgrading,as well as the difficulties of coordinated development between“Military”and“civilian”systems.This paper further puts forward the future direction of military civilian integration in key regions of China.
  Key words:regional harmonious development;army-civilian integration;coupling degree;technical standard


