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  [摘要] 目的 探讨超声联合宫腔镜检查在诊断宫内占位病变的价值及临床病理符合率。 方法 回顾性分析2010年1月—2018年6月经阴道结合经腹部彩色多普勒超声(TVS+ TAS)检查提示宫内占位病变的患者296例,联合宫腔镜(HS)检查,最后结合病理检查予以确诊。 结果 经超声(TVS+TAS)检查提示宫内占位病变的296例患者,与术后病理检查符合率为85.1%(252/296);与宫腔镜联合检查其病理结果符合率达92.3% (274/296),但两种检查诊断率对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 TVS结合TAS可以对宫内占位病变做出初步诊断,再联合宫腔镜(HS)检查,可进一步提高宫内占位病变的诊断率。
  [关键词] 彩色多普勒超声;宫腔镜检查;超声联合宫腔镜检查;宫内占位病变
  [中图分类号] R445.1          [文獻标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)05(a)-0180-03
  [Abstract] Objective To explore the value and the clinicopathological coincidence rate of ultrasound combined with hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions. Methods Retrospective analysis from January 2010 to June 2018, 296 cases of intrauterine lesions were diagnosed by transvaginal combined with transabdominal color Doppler ultrasound (TVS+TAS), combined with hysteroscopy (HS), and finally combined with pathological examination to confirm. Results The coincidence rate of 296 cases of intrauterine lesions diagnosed by the ultrasound (TVS+TAS) with postoperative pathological examination was 85.1% (252/296). The coincidence rate of 296 cases of intrauterine lesions revealed by ultrasound (TVS+TAS) combined with hysteroscopy with pathological results was 92.3% (274/296), but there was no significant difference in the diagnostic rate between the two examinations (P>0.05). Conclusion TVS and TAS can make a preliminary diagnosis of intrauterine lesions, the diagnosis rate of intrauterine lesions of which can be further improved by the combination with hysteroscopy (HS).
  [Key words] Color Doppler ultrasound; Hysteroscopy; Ultrasound combined with hysteroscopy; Intrauterine lesions
  宫腔内病变是妇科门诊较为常见的病症之一,其临床表现也多种多样,如子宫内膜增生、粘膜下肌瘤、内膜息肉及子宫内膜癌等等均属于宫内占位病变。异常子宫出血(如月经异常及绝经后出血、妊娠物残留等)。而宫腔内病变,单纯以症状分析,即使结合妇科检查也常难以诊断明确。该文将该院妇科2010年1月—2018年6月间的296例宫内占位病变患者资料进行了归类整理,并做回顾性分析,将经阴道结合经腹部彩色多普勒超声(TVS+ TAS)检查与超声联合宫腔镜(HS)检查两种方法对宫内占位病变的诊断率进行对比分析,发现经TVS+TAS可以对宫内占位病变做出初步诊断,如同时联合宫腔镜探查宫腔,可将宫内占位病变诊断的准确性进一步提高,且其病理检查符合率高达92.3%,现报道如下。
  1  资料与方法
  1.1  一般资料
  1.2  设备
  超声诊断仪使用Philips Envisor C型和GE Logiq7型,腹部探头频率为3.5 MHz,阴道探头为7.5~10 MHz。宫腔镜使用奥林帕斯(Olympus,日本)宫腔检查镜(4.5 mm连续灌注式硬镜)、冷光源、液体膨宫机。
  1.3  诊断方法
  所有患者均经阴道彩色多普勒超声(TVS)和经腹部彩色多普勒超声(TAS)两次检查对比。患者首先将膀胱充盈进行TAS检查,后排空膀胱后取膀胱截石位,将无菌避孕套套于阴道探头上并放置阴道前穹窿处,观察子宫的位置、形态、大小; 观察子宫肌层及内膜的回声; 观察有无子宫肌瘤及内膜息肉等占位病变。   综上所述,HS目前已经普遍的应用于妇科相关疾病的临床检查,在诊断宫内占位病变上具有独特优势,较经阴道彩色超声准确率更高。TVS结合TAS可以对宫内占位病变做出初步诊断,再联合宫腔镜(HS)检查,可进一步提高宫内占位性病变的诊断率。
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