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来源:用户上传      作者: 井兰香,刘宇

  摘 要:为测试超等长阻力训练前后原地垂直纵跳动作下肢各关节角速度及角加速度,计算下肢各关节角刚度,观察超等长阻力训练对下肢各关节角动力学的影响。将16名青年男子篮球运动员随机分成超等长阻力训练组和常规训练对照组。采用VICON和三维测力台采集每个动作的运动学和动力学数据,计算下肢各关节角速度及角加速度,并经逆动力学方法计算下肢净关节力矩。结果可见,超等长阻力训练组髋、踝关节角速度和角刚度明显高于对照组,膝关节角速度及角刚度两组没有明显差异;超等长阻力训练组髋、膝、踝关节角加速度均显著高于对照组。结果说明超等长阻力训练可降低拉长-缩短周期支撑时间、缩短摊还期、增强肌肉-肌腱复合体能量转换能力、提高下肢肌肉爆发力。适于需要关节角速度、角加速度及爆发力的项目。
  关 键 词:运动生物力学;超等长阻力训练;关节角速度;关节角加速度;关节角刚度
  中图分类号:G804.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2012)05-0140-05
  Dynamic effects of super-isometric resistance training on the joints of lower limbs
  JING Lan-xiang1,LIU Yu2
  (1.Department of Anatomy,Cangzhou Medical College,Cangzhou 061001,China;
  2.School of Kinesiology,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
  Abstract: In order to measure the angular velocities and angular accelerations of the joints of lower limbs making a vertical jumping move before and after super-isometric resistance training, to calculate the rigidities of the joints of lower limbs, and to observe the dynamic effects of super-isometric resistance training on the joints of lower limbs, the authors randomly divided 16 young male basketball players into a super-isometric resistance training group and a conventional training control group, collected kinetic and dynamic data of each move by using VICON and a 3D force measuring station, calculated the angular velocities and angular accelerations of the joints of lower limbs, and the net joint moment of lower limbs by means of inverse dynamics, and revealed the following findings: the angular velocities and angular rigidities of hip and ankle joints of players in the super-isometric resistance training group were significantly higher than those of players in the control group, while there was no significant difference in the angular velocities and angular rigidities of knee joints between players in the two groups; the angular velocities of hip, knee and ankle joints of players in the super-isometric resistance training group were significantly higher than those of players in the control group. The said findings indicated that super-isometric resistance training can reduce elongation, shorten cycle supporting time, shorten amortization period, enhance the energy conversion capacity of the muscle-tendon complex, and boost the explosive power of lower limb muscles, is suitable for events which require the angular velocity, angular acceleration and explosive power of joints.
  Key words: sports biomechanics;super-isometric resistance training;angular velocity of joints;angular acceleration of joints;angular rigidity of joints