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来源:用户上传      作者:梁蓓 李学锋

  中图分类号:G41文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.06.022
  On the Functions of College Counselors in Ideological and Political Education and Management
  LIANG Bei, LI Xuefeng
  (College of Marxism, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang 157011)
  Abstract As a person who directly faces college students in Colleges and universities, counselors bear heavy responsibilities. Carrying out ideological and political education and management of college students in Colleges and universities is not only the goal and requirement ofthe state for colleges and universities, but also to meet the needs of college students' self-growth and future development. In China's colleges and universities, counselors play an important role in Ideological and political education and management. They play an important role in cultivating college students' collectivism and concept ofhonor and disgrace, stimulating college students' enthusiasm for moral learning and positive motivation. With the continuous improvement of China's education level, the ideological and political education and management of college students are also being reformed. This paper combs the two functions ofcollege counselors, which provides a useful reference for further improving the theory and countermeasures of college counselors' education and management.
  Keywords counselors; Ideological and political education function; Ideological and political management function
  1 高校o导员的概念厘清
  1.1 辅导员的概念及由来
  1.2 高校辅导员的概念及演变
  辅导员这一称呼,最早在我国高校出现并使用是在1952年 8月,当时只是为了在高校开展政治工作,因此又称之为“政治辅导员”,[1]从此就融入我国高等教育的改革实践中。由于这个职位是面向全校开展思想政治工作的,在当时与大学生的关联程度不是特别明显。


