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来源:用户上传      作者:黄双

  摘 要:基于Illumina高通量测序RNA-seq技术对黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki,1909)的工蚁和兵蚁进行了转录组测序分析,了解不同品级的转录组特征,丰富白蚁转录组数据信息,为探明黑翅土白蚁品级分化的分子机制打下基础。经过测序获得质量值高于20的碱基比例(Q20)均不低于98%的数据,所有reads组装成65 604个Unigenes,平均长度337.78 bp;将所得序列注释到NR、NT、KOG、GO和KEGG等数据库进行比对,所得Unigenes均被注释。兵蚁与工蚁差异基因的上调基因有与能量代谢及蛋白质翻译有关,下调相关基因有与能量运输相关,差异基因丰富,有助于黑翅土白蚁品级分化相关基因挖掘。本研究扩充了黑翅土白蚁的基因资源,为科学研究白蚁种群的基因构造、遗传社会性、获取有效分子标记、综合防控等提供珍贵的生物资源。
  中图分类号:Q963 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2022.06.001
  Comparative Transcriptome Sequencing and Expression Analysis of Worker and Soldier Termites of Odontotermes Formosanus
  HUANG Shuang
  (Key Laboratory of Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation ( Ministry of Education) ,China West Normal University, Nanchong , Sichuan 637002, China)
  Abstract: Based on Illumina high-throughput sequencing RNA-seq technology, the transcriptome of worker and soldier termites of Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki, 1909) was sequenced to understand the transcriptome characteristics of different grades, to enrich the information of termite transcriptome data, and to lay the foundation for exploring the molecular mechanism of grade differentiation in the black-winged soil termite. After sequenced, we obtained data that the proportion of bases with quality values higher than 20 (Q20) was not less than 98%, and all reads were assembled into 65 604 Unigenes with an average length of 337.78 bp. The obtained sequences were annotated to NR, NT, KOG, GO and KEGG databases for comparison, and all Unigenes were annotated. The up-regulated genes were related to energy metabolism and protein translation, and the down-regulated genes were related to energy transport, which were rich in differential genes and could help to further develop their work to find their class differentiation-related genes. The study expands the genetic resources of black-winged soil termites and provides valuable biological resources for scientific research on the genetic structure of termite populations, genetic sociality, acquisition of effective molecular markers, and integrated prevention and control.
  Key words: Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki, 1909); transcriptome; worker ants; solider ants; comparative analysis
  黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki,1909)为白蚁科(Termitidae)大白蚁亚科(Macroter-mitinae)土白蚁属(Odontotermes),偻疗苄园滓希主要分布在我国北纬35°以南的地区,分布范围广,食性杂,主要以树根、皮层、幼苗、幼树、庄稼秸杆、甘蔗、竹根、草根、水稻等为取食对象,也能取食牛粪[1-2]。黑翅土白蚁品级包括蚁王与蚁后、有翅成虫、兵蚁、工蚁4个品级[3],各品级白蚁具有不同的行为模式和社会分工,其中蚁后与有翅成虫为繁殖蚁,而工蚁与兵蚁为不育蚁,其形态结构及社会职能为不同属性[4]。根据巢体大小其卵分化为不同品级,其分化时间及龄期会不同。黑翅土白蚁工蚁数量全巢最多,可达到200万个,从卵孵化到工蚁需要17 d;兵蚁数量次之,兵蚁有雌雄之分,但无交配生殖能力,从卵孵化到兵蚁分化大约需要24 d[5]。工蚁社会属性为作工,主要有筑巢、供食、修路、照顾幼蚁、觅食等;兵蚁社会属性为保卫巢穴,用发达的上颚和能分泌毒液的额腺作为防御武器[6]。卵发育为工蚁或兵蚁受环境影响,且在最后1个龄期前其品级完成转化,通过工蚁与兵蚁的高通量转录组测序比较分析,可为影响分化品级基因发生的分子机制提供研究信息[7]。本研究采用Illumina Hiseq 2000高通量测序技术对黑翅土白蚁工蚁与兵蚁进行测序及生物信息学分析,建立转录组数据库,分析兵蚁和工蚁表达差异显著的基因,为其分化品级相关分子机制的研究提供依据[8]。


