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  One of the worst days of my life landed onFriday the 13th. My mother was a kind of superstitious and wanted me to be superstitious with her for once. I told her that this would only be the first. So she told me that if I broke a mirror I'd have bad luck for 3 days and the last day one of the closet persons to me would disappear. I thought it was the most stupid thing in the world ever said. Anyway that superstitious saying is that if you break a mirror you'll have 7 years bad luck. So I thought that my mom was joking. However, when I was getting ready to go to bed my mirror fell off the wall and broke. I thought of what my mom said and thought it was funny. But what happened in the next days frightened me very much.
  On the next morning my friend and I went bike riding to go to school and my friend fell off her bike and broke her arm and two legs. I saw blood streaming out of her body, andI didn't know what to do. I was numb. I knew that she would be lame from her legs to her neck for the rest of her life. What could I do was to take care of her in my spare time.
  On the 3rd morning I got that in a car accidentmy uncle almost died because his neck was almost broken and my baby sister died because slit her neck while riding in the back seat. There was something horrible. Suddenly I recalled what happened on Friday the 13th. I thought it was the worst day of my life but it got worse.
  The 4th day...my dad went fishing and said he'd be back late tonight. My mom and I waited for hoursfor my dad. Instead of my dad coming, 3 police officers came to the house and told us my dad's boat flipped over and he couldn't get out from under it and drowned. He was the closest person to me. From that time, I hated Friday the 13th every year and was careful of every superstitious saying.
  Be careful about Friday the 13th.
  Why is Friday the 13th Considered Unlucky?
  The modern basis for the aura that surrounds Friday the 13th stems from Friday October the 13th, 1307. On that date, the Pope of the church in Rome in conjunction with the King of France carried out a secret death warrant against "the Knights Templar". The Templars were terminated as heretics, never again to hold the power that they had held for so long. Their Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, was arrested and before he was killed, was tortured and crucified. So, this date is considered the "suffering day".
  现代人围绕十三号星期五的说法起源于1307年10月13日星期五那天。这一天,罗马教堂的教皇与法国国王联合对“圣殿骑士团”采取了秘密谋杀行动。骑士们被当作异教徒而惨遭屠杀,剥夺他们以前所拥有的一切权利。他们的教主――Jacques DeMolay被捕,他在处死之前备受折磨并被钉在了十字架上。 因此这一天被看作是“受难日”。
  1. aura n.气氛
  2. Pope n. 罗马教皇
  3. the Knights Templar圣殿骑士团
  4. crucify v.钉死在十字架上
