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  摘要:【目的】掌握齐口裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和白甲鱼3种鱼类的生长规律,为其人工增养殖及规模化生产提供科学依据。【方法】在遵循自然水温变化规律的条件下,采用流水单养模式,分别定期测量齐口裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和白甲鱼的全长、体长和体重等生物学指标,研究分析这3种鱼类1龄幼鱼的周年生长特性。【结果】齐口裂腹鱼周年体质量特定生长率范围在0.16%/d~1.54%/d,体长特定生长率范围在0.09%/d~0.75%/d;鲈鲤周年体质量特定生长率范围在0.10%/d~1.62%/d,体长特定生长率范围在0.02%/d~0.50%/d;白甲鱼周年体质量特定生长率范围在0.11%/d~2.20%/d,体长特定生长率范围在0.13%/d~0.64%/d。白甲鱼在水温月均值大于20.0 ℃时(6—10月),其体质量增长较快,增幅较大;在水温月均值小于20.0 ℃时(11月—翌年3月),其体质量增长趋势相对较缓和,增幅较小。鲈鲤和齐口裂腹鱼的体质量周年增幅相对平缓,仅在水温月均值21.9~23.9 ℃时(5—6月)表现出相对较快的生长趋势。齐口裂腹鱼体长与体质量的拟合方程为y=0.0202x2.9217(R?=0.9778),异速生长系数(b)为2.9217;全长与体长的拟合方程为y=1.0608x+1.7741(R?=0.9782)。鲈鲤体长与体重的拟合方程为y=0.0195x2.8679(R?=0.9925),b为2.8679;全长与体长的拟合方程为y=1.1133x+1.1829(R?=0.9879)。白甲鱼体长与体重的拟合方程为y=0.0346x2.7749(R?=0.9919),b为2.7749;全长与体长的拟合方程为y=1.2763x-0.2455(R?=0.9969)。【结论】齐口裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和白甲鱼的幼鱼在人工养殖条件下周年生长状况良好,其中以白甲鱼周年生长最快,齐口裂腹鱼次之,鲈鲤生长较慢;3种鱼类生长的最适水温也存在差异。因此,在人工养殖过程中可根据其周年生长特性的规律,分阶段和分季节优化3种鱼类的投喂策略,促进其快速生长和营养供给,为增殖放流及物种保护提供保障。
  關键词: 齐口裂腹鱼;鲈鲤;白甲鱼;人工养殖;生长特性
  中图文分类号: S931.1                           文献标志码: A 文章编号:2095-1191(2019)06-1369-09
  Abstract:【Objective】The current research revealed the growth patterns of Schizothorax prenanti,Percocypris pingi and Onychostoma sima Sauvage et Dabry, and accumulated basic data and provided scientific basis for artificial aquaculture and large-scale production. 【Method】In this paper, under the condition of the rhythm of natural water temperature, the three-fish biological indicators such as full length, body length and body weight were regularly measured by the single-culture model, and the annual growth characteristics of the first-instar fish of these three fishes were studied. 【Result】The specific growth rate of the body weight of S. prenantiwas 0.16%/d-1.54%/d, and the specific growth rate of the body length 0.09%/d-0.75%/d. The specific growth rate of the body weight of P. pingiwas 0.10%/d-1.62%/d, and the specific growth rate of the body length 0.02%/d-0.50%/d. The specific growth rate of the body mass of the O. sima was 0.11%/d-2.20%/d,and the specific growth rate of the body length 0.13%/d-0.64%/d. When the monthly mean value of water tempera-ture was greater than 20 ℃(June to October), the weight growth of the O. simawas relatively fast, and the growth rate was large. When the monthly average temperature of water was less than 20 ℃(November-March of the next year), the weight gain wassmaller and growth rate was small. The annual increase of P. pingi and S. prenanti was relatively flat, only between the water temperature monthly average of 21.9-23.9 ℃(May to June) the growth was fast. The fitting equation for the body length and body weight of the S. prenanti was y=0.0202x2.9217(R?=0.9778), the allometry coefficient(b) was 2.9217 and the fitting equation for the full length and body length was y=1.0608x+1.7741(R?=0.9782). The fitting equation for body length and body weight of P. pingi was y=0.0195x2.8679(R?=0.9925),the b value was 2.8679, and the fitting equation for full length and body length was y=1.1133x+1.1829(R?=0.9879). The fitting equation for the body length and body weight of the O. sima was y=0.0346x2.7749(R?=0.9919),the b value was 2.7749, the fitting equation for the full length and body length was y=1.2763x-0.2455(R?=0.9969). 【Conclusion】Under the conditions of artificial breeding, the growth of these three kinds of fish is good.  Among them, the annual growth of O. sima is the fastest, followed by S. prenanti, and the growth of P. pingi the slowest. There is also difference in the optimal water temperature for the growth of the three fish species. Therefore, in the process of artificial breeding, the law of annual growth characteristics can be utilized, and the feeding methods of three kinds of fish can be optimized in stages and seasons to promote rapid growth and nutrient supply, and provide guarantee for proliferation and release and species protection.   Key words:Schizothorax prenanti;Percocypris pingi;Onychostoma sima Sauvage et Dabry;artificial breeding; growth characteristics
  0 引言
  【研究意义】齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)隶属于鲤形目、鲤科、裂腹鱼亚科、裂腹鱼属、裂腹鱼亚属,俗称雅鱼、齐口、细甲鱼和齐口细鳞鱼,主要分布在我国长江上游、金沙江、岷江及大渡河等水系,为底层鱼类,要求较低的水温环境,喜欢生活于急缓流交界处,有短距离生殖洄游现象;以着生藻类为食,偶尔摄食一些水生昆虫、螺蛳和植物的种子(董艳珍和邓思红,2011)。20世纪70年代,四川雅安周公河盛产齐口裂腹鱼,但20世纪90年代以后由于过度捕捞、自然生态遭到破坏,致使大批齐口裂腹鱼受伤或死亡,其产量急剧下降,许多河段已无齐口裂腹鱼的踪影,为此,2000年8月四川省政府将齐口裂腹鱼列为重点保护动物,并设立禁鱼区(李山友等,2002)。鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi)隶属于鲤形目、鲤科、鲃亚科、鲈鲤属,俗称花鱼和青脖,主要分布在湖北宜昌以上的长江上游干支流,包括西江流域及南盘江等水系。鲈鲤属于大型经济鱼类,长江上游产区的产量较高,但近年來由于环境污染、过度捕捞等因素的影响,致使长江上游的鲈鲤数量也急剧下降,现已被列为长江一级急切保护动物(刘军,2004)。白甲鱼(Onychostoma sima Sauvage et Dabry)隶属于鲤形目、鲤科、鲃亚科、白甲鱼属,俗称毛白甲、白甲和突吻鱼,主要分布在长江上游水系的干流和支流,是江河重要经济鱼类之一。由于江河生态环境破坏、过度捕捞等因素的影响,白甲鱼近年来的资源急剧下降(胡世然等,2009),也是长江流域重点保护的鱼类品种之一。因此,开展齐口裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和白甲鱼的生长特性等基础生物学研究对这3种鱼类的物种保护具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】鱼类生长特性研究可有效揭示鱼类的生长特点、发育规律等鱼类基础生物学指标,且这些指标对指导养殖生产实践具有重要意义(刘建魁等,2008;冯广鹏等,2009;徐钢春等,2009)。了解鱼类周年生长特性可科学制定养殖策略,即根据不同阶段鱼类的生长特点制定相应养殖计划和方法,进行科学健康养殖。李文龙等(2012)的研究结果表明,达氏鳇(Huso dauricus)稚幼鱼阶段是快速生长期,并提出人工养殖时可充分利用该品种鱼类的最佳生长期,采用科学的养殖方法促进幼鱼生长。刘银华等(2015)通过研究云纹石斑鱼仔鱼(Epinephelus moara)的生长特性,发现23日龄仔鱼因生长差异而发生残食现象,至39日龄时随生长差异的进一步增大而导致残食现象加剧。严银龙等(2016)通过研究全人工繁育刀鲚(Coilia nasus)幼鱼的摄食和生长特性,指出刀鲚幼鱼具有在晨昏摄食的特点,摄食以浮游动物和虾类为主,夏季生长迅速、秋冬季节生长减缓,并提出按照刀鲚幼鱼不同生长阶段进行不同饵料供给的科学养殖方式。姜虎成等(2017)通过研究人工养殖条件下麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)的生长特性,发现麦穗鱼鱼苗在室外水泥池中可较好地生长,进一步证实开展麦穗鱼人工养殖的可行性,为麦穗鱼的规模化人工养殖提供了技术参考。徐嘉波等(2018)在研究池养美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)1+龄鱼种生长特性时,发现美洲鲥1+龄鱼种呈匀速生长,日均增长量随养殖天数的增加呈U形变化,日均增重量随养殖天数的增加呈W形变化,肥满度最大值出现在夏季平均水温最高的时段,美洲鲥1+龄鱼种的适宜生长水温为16~30 ℃,最适生长水温为19~24 ℃。严银龙等(2018)通过研究室内养殖1龄和2龄褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)的生长特性,发现1龄褐菖鲉的体长特定增长率和体质量特定增长率均高于2龄褐菖鲉,且1龄褐菖鲉的肥满度整体高于2龄褐菖鲉;但1龄褐菖鲉的成活率较2龄褐菖鲉低,可能是由于1龄鱼生长差异明显而易发生互相残杀吞食现象所致。于海波等(2018)研究表明,匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)在越冬期间通过消耗自身的贮能物质为鱼体提供能量,导致越冬后其体重显著低于越冬前,且越冬后体厚显著降低、体长与体厚比值显著提高、肥满度显著下降,三维图分析和多元逐步回归方程分析结果均表明匙吻鲟体形变化主要是由越冬后体重下降所引起。【本研究切入点】目前,有关齐口裂腹鱼(吴青等,2004;周波等,2013;于振海等,2016)、鲈鲤(赖见生等,2013;陈修松等,2015)、白甲鱼(王永爽等,2010;李强等,2015)的研究主要集中在急性毒性、繁殖生物学、苗种培育和耗氧量等方面,而针对这3种鱼类在人工养殖条件下其周年生长特性方面的研究尚无相关报道。【拟解决的关键问题】通过对齐口裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和白甲鱼进行周年生长特性研究,旨在揭示这3种鱼类的生长规律,为其人工增养殖及规模化生产提供科学依据。
  1 材料与方法
  1. 1 试验材料
  试验鱼均为中国长江三峡集团有限公司中华鲟研究所云南乌东德水电站鱼类增殖放流站人工培育的1龄幼鱼,其中,齐口裂腹鱼起始体质量12.08±2.01 g/尾,鲈鲤起始体质量16.12±3.45 g/尾,白甲鱼起始体质量8.90±2.46 g/尾。试验鱼养殖所用配合饲料为成都格蓝饲料有限公司生产的高龙牌特种鱼膨化配合饲料,饲料为浮性料(粒径1.0 mm),其营养成分:粗蛋白质≥41.0%,粗灰分≤17.0%,赖氨酸≥2.4%,粗脂肪≥6.0%,粗纤维≤6.0%,钙≥1.2%,总磷≥1.4%,水分≤12.5%。
  1. 2 试验方法
  1. 2. 1 试验周期和条件 试验周期为1年,即2017年4月—2018年3月。试验鱼养殖于圆形水泥池(直径4.0 m,水深1.0 m)内,采用流水单养模式养殖;试验鱼全部为驯食好且能摄食配合饲料的鱼类。每种鱼设3个平行,100尾/池。   刘银华,张雅芝,钟幼平,李军,谢仰杰,胡家财. 2015. 云纹石斑鱼仔稚鱼的摄食习性与生长特性[J]. 应用海洋学学报,34(3):388-396. [Liu Y H,Zhang Y Z,Zhong Y P,Li J,Xie Y J,Hu J C. 2015. Studies on feeding habit and growth characteristic of larva and juvenile of Epinephelus moara[J]. Journal of Applied Oceanography,34(3):388-396.]
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