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  [摘要]目的 探討去氧孕烯炔雌醇片在人工流产术后的应用效果。方法 选取2017年2月~2019年3月我院收治的126例行人工流产术孕妇,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组各63例。全部孕妇由经验丰富的术者规范、无菌操作。术后常规用药,在此基础上予以观察组加用去氧孕烯炔雌醇片。观察两组术后月经复潮时间、阴道出血时间及出血量。结果 观察组术后42 d内恢复月经率为100.00%,高于对照组的73.02%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=19.650,P<0.01)。观察组月经减少发生率为3.17%,低于对照组的17.46%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.951,P<0.01)。观察组阴道出血量为(43.0±12.1)ml,少于对照组的(55.5±13.7)ml,差异有统计学意义(t=5.428,P<0.05)。观察组阴道出血时间为(5.6±1.0)d,短于对照组的(6.9±2.2)d,差异有统计学意义(t=4.270,P<0.05)。结论 去氧孕烯炔雌醇片能有效减少人工流产术后阴道出血量,缩短出血时间,促进月经恢复,值得临床借鉴。
  [中图分类号] R169.42          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-4721(2020)2(a)-0136-03
  Application effect of Deoxyprogesterone Estradiol Tablets after induced abortion
  ZHENG Li-li
  Huludao Lianshan People′s Hospital, Liaoning Province, Huludao   125001, China
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the application effect of Deoxygestenestradiol Tablets after induced abortion. Methods A total of 126 women with induced abortion from February 2017 to March 2019 treated in our hospital were selected. They were divided into control groups and observation group according to random number table method, 63 cases in each group. All patients were provided standardized, aseptic operation and routinely drugs. On this basis, the observation group was added with Ethinylestradiol Tablets. After the return of menstruation, vaginal bleeding time and blood loss were compared between two groups. Results The rate of recovery in 42 days after operation in the observation group was 100.00%, which was higher than that of the control group (73.02%), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=19.650, P<0.01). The incidence of menoxenia in the observation group was 3.17%, which was lower than that of the control group (17.46%) (χ2=6.951, P<0.01). The amount of vaginal bleeding of pregnant women in the observation group was (43.0±12.1) ml, which was lower than that of the control group ([55.5±13.7] ml), and the difference was statistically significant (t=5.428, P<0.05). The time of vaginal bleeding of pregnant women in the observation group was (5.6±1.0) d, which was shorter than that of the control group ([6.9±2.2] d), and the difference was statistically significant (t=4.270, P<0.05). Conclusion Taking Deoxygestradiol Tablets can effectively reduce the amount of vaginal bleeding after induced abortion, shorten the bleeding time, and promote menstrual recovery, which is worthy of clinical reference.   综上所述,去氧孕烯炔雌醇片能有效减少人工流产术后阴道出血量,缩短出血时间,促进月经恢复,值得临床借鉴。
  (收稿日期:2019-07-25  本文编辑:崔建中)