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来源:用户上传      作者:李克讷 杨津 徐剑琴 罗家维

  摘 要:针对机械臂在执行任务过程中末端执行器的实际与期望的初始位置存在误差的问题,提出一种基于二次型规划的容错型运动规划方案,用于减小机械臂在执行轨迹跟踪任务时初始位置误差对任务执行精度的影响。采用神经动力学方法,把位置误差转换为机械臂末端运动速度,并在速度层上对机械臂进行建模。使用一种基于线性变分不等式的原对偶神经网络求解器,对提出的二次型规划方案进行实时求解。平面二连杆机械臂的仿真结果证明了初始位置误差呈指数收敛趋于0,验证了该容错方案的有效性。
  中图分类号: TP24
  文献标志码: A
  文章编号: 1007-2683(2020)01-0093-07
  Abstract:In the robotic application, the error would exist between the actual and desired initial positions of the end-effectorIn this paper, a fault-tolerant motion planning scheme was proposed based on quadratic programming to reduce the initial position error and improve the tracking accuracy during the end-effector executing the taskBy using the neural-dynamics method, an error-eliminating velocity was designed based on the real-time position error, and was incorporated into the end-effector velocity together with the task desired velocityFurthermore,a primal-dual neural network solver based on linear variational inequalities was used to solve the proposed quadratic programming scheme in real-time-TheMATLAB simulationresults of a two-degree-of-freedom planar manipulator demonstratethat the initial position error is exponential convergent to 0, and the fault-tolerance scheme is effective-Keywords:motion planning; quadratic programming; initial position error; neural network
  0 前 言
  1 初始位置误差的容错方案描述
  4 结 论
  本文针对二连杆机械臂在执行轨迹跟踪任务时可能出现的初始位置误差这一问题,提出了一种基于二次型规划的容错解析方案,该方案利用基于线性变分不等式的原对偶神经网络求解器进行求解。除此之外,该方案中没有进行矩阵的求逆运算,降低了计算的难度,同时原对偶神经网络也能够满足实時求解的要求。仿真结果表明,机械臂在存在初始位置误差的情况下也能够很好地完成轨迹跟踪任务。在往后的研究中,可以将该方法扩展到冗余度机械臂执行多任务的运动规划中,进一步提高算法的有效性和实用性。   参 考 文 献:
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