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  [摘要] 目的 分析在维持性血液透析患者中使用不同血管通路对常见并发症的影响。 方法 依据随机数字表法将2017年9月—2018年9月期间方便选取的该院收治的62例维持性血液透析患者区别划分,即为实验组1(n=31例,实施右侧颈内静脉置管处理)和实验组2(n=31例,实施动静脉内瘘处理),对比实验组1和实验组2维持性血液透析患者常见并发症发生情况。 结果 与实验组1相关数据指标比较,实验组2维持性血液透析患者动脉瘤45.16%、内瘘功能丧失25.80%、导管引血困难0.00%、血栓12.90%、栓塞0.00%等并发症发生情况出现较大改变(χ2=18.083 3、9.185 2、 5.465 8、4.275 9、2.762 9、7.890 9,P<0.05),数据指标之间显示组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 动静脉内瘘和右侧颈内静脉置管的使用在维持性血液透析患者中均存在一定并发症,需要临床上依据患者实际情况选择最适合的方案。
  [关键词] 维持性血液透析;不同血管通路;常见并发症
  [中图分类号] R473          [文獻标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)07(b)-0025-03
  Analysis of Common Clinical Complications of Different Vascular Access in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
  DAI Hong-mei, LIU Dong-mei
  Department of Hematology, Yunyang County People's Hospital, Chongqing, 404500 China
  [Abstract] Objective To analyze the effects of different vascular access pathways on common complications in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Methods According to the random number table method, conveniently selected 62 patients in this hospital with maintenance hemodialysis between September 2017 and September 2018 were divided into experimental group 1 (n=31 cases, right lateral internal jugular vein catheterization) and the experimental group 2 (n=31 cases, the treatment of arteriovenous fistula), the common complications of maintenance hemodialysis patients in the experimental group 1 and the experimental group 2 were compared. Results Compared with the experimental data of the experimental group 1, the experimental group 2 maintenance hemodialysis patients with aneurysms 45.16%, loss of internal hemorrhoid function 25.80%, catheter blood lead difficulty 0.00%, thrombosis 12.90%, embolization 0.00% and other complications occurrance with larger change(χ2=18.083 3,9.185 2,5.465 8,4.275 9,2.762 9,7.890 9,P<0.05). The statistical analysis between the groups showed statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion The use of arteriovenous fistula and right internal jugular vein catheter has certain complications in maintenance hemodialysis patients. It is necessary to choose the most suitable one according to the actual situation of the patient.
  [Key words] Maintenance hemodialysis; Different vascular access; Common complications