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  • 针对性护理干预对慢性胃溃疡合并高血压患者的疗效及对SF-36指数的影响


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   【摘要】 目的:研究针对性护理干预对慢性胃溃疡患者合并高血压的效果。方法:选取2017年6月-2019年1月笔者所在医院消化内科的慢性胃溃疡合并高血压患者150例,随机分为两组,观察组给予针对性护理干预,对照组进行常规护理,比较两组慢性胃溃疡、高血压治疗效果及SF-36指数的差异。结果:观察组慢性溃疡和高血压治疗总有效率分别为86.67%、78.66%,分别高于对照组的65.33%、60.00%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后SF-36指数高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:针对性护理通过多种针对性的护理措施联合应用,针对疾病的特点和患者生活规律制定个性化护理计划,可有效提高患者治疗效果,改善其生活质量,对临床护理实践有一定的指导意义。
   【关键词】 针对性护理 慢性胃溃疡 高血压 SF-36指数
   doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2020.02.031 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2020)02-00-03
   [Abstract] Objective: To study the effect of nursing intervention on chronic gastric ulcer patients with hypertension. Method: From June 2017 to January 2019, 150 patients with chronic gastric ulcer complicated with hypertension in the department of gastroenterology of our hospital were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Patients in the observation group were given targeted nursing intervention, while patients in the control group were given routine nursing. The differences in the treatment effect and SF-36 index of patients in the two groups were compared. Result: The effective rate of chronic ulcer and hypertension in the observation group were 86.67% and 78.66% respectively, higher than 65.33% and 60.00% in the control group respectively, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The SF-36 index of the observation group was higher than that of the control group after intervention, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Targeted nursing through the combined application of a variety of targeted nursing measures, according to the characteristics of the disease and patients' life rules to develop personalized nursing plan, effectively improve the treatment effect of patients, improve their quality of life, clinical nursing practice has a certain guiding significance.
   [Key words] Targeted nursing Chronic gastric ulcer Hypertension SF-36 index
   First-author’s address: Xiaolan Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Zhongshan 528400, China
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