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来源:用户上传      作者: 李福平等

  眼下PK是一个十分时髦的说法,但许多同学可能并不知道 PK是如何演变来的。有关PK的来历至少有以下两种说法:有的人认为它是英文 Player Killing 的首字母缩写,源于网络游戏中玩家之间的彼此对打;也有人认为它是penalty kick的首字母缩写,源于足球里的罚点球。总之,它的基本意思就是一对一地单挑,只有一个人能赢。虽然PK这个词跳出游戏和足球的范畴不久,但很多的时尚事情都把PK理念演绎了一番,如火如荼的“超级女声”,更是把PK之精神注入千万人心中。(湖南 李福平)
  Money isn’t Everything
  Money can buy a house but not a home. 钱可以买到房子,但是买不到家。
  Money can buy a bed but not sleep. 钱可以买到床,但是买不到睡眠。
  Money can buy a clock but not time. 钱可以买到钟,但是买不到时间。
  Money can buy a book but not knowledge. 钱可以买到书,但是买不到知识。
  Money can buy food but not an appetite. 钱可以买到食物,但是买不到胃口。
  Money can buy position but not respect. 钱可以买到地位,但是买不到尊重。
  Money can buy blood but not life. 钱可以买到血,但是买不到生命。
  Money can buy medicine but not health. 钱可以买到药,但是买不到健康。
  Money can buy insurance but not safety. 钱可以买到保险,但是买不到安全。
  1. ― Why is a river rich?
   ― Because it has two banks.
  【提醒】 bank 有两个意思:一是表示“河岸”,二是表示“银行”。
  2. ― Why does a man’s hair become grey before his moustache?
   ― Because a man’s moustache comes up after his hair.
  3. ― Why do white sheep eat more than black ones?
  ― Because there are more of them in the world.
  4. ― Why is a ship one of the most polite things on earth?
  ― Because it always advances with a bow.
  【提醒】bow 有两个意思是:一是表示“鞠躬”,二是表示“船首”。
  5. ― Why can’t it rain for two days continually?
   ― Because there is always a night in between.
  【提醒】问句意为:为什么不能连续下雨 two days?答句意为:因为其间有一个 night。
  6. ― Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
   ― Because it is a scenter.
  【提醒】动词 scent 意为“嗅”,其派生名词 scenter 意为“嗅的东西”,而 scenter 刚好与 center 读音相同。
  7. ― Why should fish be well educated?
   ― Because they are so often found in schools.
  【提醒】school 有两个意思:一是指“学校”,二是指“鱼群”。
  8. ― Why is the letter A like a flower?
   ― Because the letter B is after it.
  【提醒】字母 B 与 bee 读音相同。
  9. ―Why does the letter T look like an island?
   ―Because it is in the middle of “water”.
  【提醒】答句的字面意思是:因为字母 T 在单词 water 的中间。既然在“水”的中间,当然看起来像是“岛”。
  10. ― Do you know why birds fly to the south in winter?
   ― Because it’s too far to walk there.
  11. ― Why don’t we need a compass at the North Pole?
  ―Because every direction is south.
  12. ― Why is a room full of married couples empty?
   ―Because there is not a single man in the room.
  【提醒】there is not a single man 有两个意思:一是指“没有一个单身未婚男人”,二是表示“没有一个人”。
  13. ― Why did the student take a ladder to school?
   ― Because he or she was going to high school!
  【提醒】由于按传统思维,人们一般会将 ladder (梯子)与 high (高)联系在一起。
  14. ― Why did the man throw the butter out of the window?
  ― He wanted to see the butterfly.
  【提醒】 butterfly 的意思是“蝴蝶”,但若将 butterfly 分开,则成了 butter (黄油)和 fly (飞)。(湖南龙湘顺)

  ASAP=As soon as possible尽快
  BTW=By the way随便说一下
  BBL=Be back later稍后回来
  BRB=Be right back很快回来
  CU=See you再见
  CUL=See you later下次再会
  DIIK=Damned if I know我真的不知道
  FE=For example举例
  FTF=Face to face面对面
  FYI=For your information供参考
  IAE=In any event无论如何
  IC=I see我明白
  ILY=I love you我爱你
  IMHO=In my humble opinion依我之愚见
  IMO=In my opinion依我所见
  IOW=In other words换句话说
  LOL=Laughing out loudly大声笑
  NRN=No reply necessary不必回信
  OIC=Oh, I see哦,我知道了
  PEM=Privacy enhanced mail保密邮件
  TIA=Thanks in advance事先感谢
  TTUL=Talk to you later以后再讲
  TY=Thank you谢谢
  VG=Very good很好
  WRT=With respect to关于
  WYMM=Will you marry me愿意嫁给我吗(上海刘志英)
  宝马BMW 卡迪拉克Cadillac公爵Cedric
  雪佛莱Chevrolet雪铁龙Citroen 花冠Corolla
  福特Ford本田Honda 伊维柯Iveco
  三凌Mitsubishi 奥拓Otto 罗曼Roman
  桑塔纳Santana 丰田Toyota 大众Volkswagen
  爱华Aiwa 卡西欧Casio日立Hitachi
  联想Lenovo 百乐满Paloma 飞利浦Philips
  夏浦Sharp 索尼Sony四通Stone
  东芝Toshiba 海尔Haier松下Panasonic
  宝路华Bulova 西铁城Citizen 依美时Image
  美能达Minolta欧米茄Omega 雷达Radar
  佳得乐Catorade可口可乐Coco Cola 芬达Finta
  麦当劳Macdonald雀巢Nestle百事可乐Pepsi Cola
  阿迪达斯Adidas 鳄鱼Crocodile 捷安特Giant
  强生Johnson美津浓Mizuno 耐克Nike
  皮尔卡丹Peirre Cardin 花花公子Play Boy
  1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  2. The boy there heard that Mrs Gage had measured out and packed five bushels of string beans, three of which had been then sold to a lawyer called Arthur Hunt.
  3. That teacher said that that“that” that that student used in that sentence is wrong.
  【赏析】句中的第一个 that 为指示代词,修饰名词 teacher;第二个 that 为连接词,用以引导宾语从句;第三个 that 的用法相当定冠词,表特指;第四个 that 为受其后定语从句修饰的先行词;第五个 that 为关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的 that;第六、七个 that 均为指示代词,分别修饰名词 student 和 sentence。句意为:那位老师说那个学生在那个句子里用的那个 that 是错误的。
  4. There’s too much space between “horse”and “and”and “and”and “cart”.
  【赏析】这一句共用了五个 and,说话的背景可能是这样的:说话者看到一个牌子上写有 horse and cart 这三个词,但是 horse 与 and 之间的间距以及 and 与 cart 之间的间距太宽了。其实,此句可视为下面这两个句子的紧缩:There’s too much space between “horse” and “and”. There is also too much space between “and”and “cart”. 前面那个句子的意思是:在 horse 与 and 之间以及 and 与 cart 之间空隙太多了。(福建郝远兵)
