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  • 对比分析微创痔疮手术联合传统手术与单纯传统手术治疗严重痔疮患者的临床疗效


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  【摘要】 目的 探讨分析微创痔疮手术联合传统手术与单纯传统手术治疗严重痔疮患者的临床疗效。方法 285例严重痔疮患者, 根据手术方式不同分为传统组(142例)和微创组(143例)。传统组采取传统手术治疗, 微创组采用微创痔疮手术联合传统手术治疗, 观察对比两组患者的临床效果。结果 微创组患者治疗总有效率为95.80%, 明显高于传统组的73.94%, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。微创组患者手术时间、切口愈合时间均明显短于传统组, 术中出血量明显少于传统组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 严重痔疮患者采取微创痔疮手术联合传统手术治疗疗效确切, 可缩短手术时间, 促进切口愈合, 减少出血量, 值得临床应用。
  【关键词】 微创痔疮手术;传统手术;严重痔疮
  【Abstract】 Objective   To discuss and analyze the clinical efficacy of minimally invasive hemorrhoid surgery combined with traditional surgery and simple traditional surgery for the treatment of severe acne patients. Methods   A total of 285 severe acne patients were divided by different surgical methods into traditional group (142 cases) and minimally invasive group (143 cases). Traditional group received traditional surgery, and the minimally invasive group received minimally invasive hemorrhoid surgery combined with traditional surgery. The clinical effect in two groups was observed and compared. Results   Minimally invasive group had obviously higher total treatment effective rate as 95.80% than 73.94% in traditional group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Minimally invasive group had obviously shorter operation time and incision healing time than traditional group, and obviously less intraoperative bleeding volume than traditional group. Their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion   Application of minimally invasive hemorrhoid surgery and traditional surgery shows affirmative efficacy in treating patients with severe acne, and it can shorten operation time, promote incision healing and reduce bleeding volume. It is worthy of clinical application.
  【Key words】 Minimally invasive hemorrhoid surgery; Traditional surgery; Severe acne
  臨床上对于严重痔疮患者而言, 通过采取手术方法进行治疗, 传统的手术治疗虽然能够到达一定治疗效果, 但是并不利于患者的术后康复[1, 2]。目前, 伴随医学研究逐渐深入, 微创技术的发展愈加成熟和完善, 通过采取微创痔疮手术进行治疗, 能够缩短患者的手术时间和切口愈合时间, 利于患者的病情恢复[3]。本文探讨分析微创痔疮手术联合传统手术与单纯传统手术治疗严重痔疮患者的临床疗效, 现报告如下。
  1 资料与方法
  1. 1 一般资料 选取2015年4月~2018年4月本院接收的285例严重痔疮患者作为研究对象, 所有患者均签署知情同意书, 本试验经过伦理委员会批准和同意。根据手术方式不同将其分为传统组(142例)和微创组(143例)。传统组患者男74例, 女68例, 年龄最大74岁, 最小18岁, 平均年龄(45.12±10.48)岁;微创组患者男76例, 女67例, 年龄最大74岁, 最小18岁, 平均年龄(45.58±10.72)岁。两组患者一般资料比较, 差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 具有可比性。
  1. 2 手术方法
  1. 2. 1 传统组 患者采用传统手术治疗, 患者行术前常规检查, 对于内痔表面并无感染或者溃疡患者, 可以直接进行手术治疗;对于内痔表面出现感染或者溃疡患者, 则需要先进行温热水坐浴以及通便等治疗, 确保患者并无溃疡感染后再进行手术治疗。传统手术治疗于术前灌肠≥2次或服用泻药清洁肠道, 随后给予骶部麻醉。手术完毕不插尿管或插尿管1 d后拔管, 随后给予适当的止痛药和消炎药。