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  摘要 目的 了解当代大学生手机成瘾对学习心理的影响。方法 采用学习投入量表与手机成瘾类型量表,对219名不同性别年级大学生进行手机成瘾和学习投入的研究。结果 ①男生学习投入得分高于女生,性别差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),年级和是否独生子女差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。②不同年级性别的学生在手机成瘾及其各类型上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),大一学生在手机搜集信息成瘾水平上略高于其他3个年级。③多因素线性回归分析结果显示,大学生手机成瘾水平对学习投入具有影响(P<0.05),成瘾水平高,学习投入少,主要体现在手机社交成瘾和娱乐成瘾。结论 大学生使用手机搜集信息不会对学习投入产生明显消极影响,但使用手机进行社交和娱乐活动越多,越可能降低学生的学习投入程度。
  关键词 手机成瘾类型;大学生学习;学习投入;学习过程
  中图分类号  G807.4    文献标识码  A    文章编号  1671-0223(2020)10-088-04
  INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT MOBILE PHONE ADDICTION TYPES ON COLLEGE STUDENTS' LEARNING INPUT Qi Huaiyuan,Liu Jinghao,Hou Yahan,et al.School of Psychology and Mental Health, North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210,China
  Abstract  Objective To understand the impact of contemporary college students' mobile phone addiction on learning psychology. Methods: Using the Learning Input Scale and Mobile Phone Addiction Type Scale, 219 college students of different genders were studied on mobile phone addiction and learning input. Results  ①The male students ’learning input score was higher than that of female students,there was significant differences(P<0.05).There was no significant difference between grade and only child (P>0.05).②There is no significant difference in mobile phone addiction and its types among the students of different grades and genders (P>0.05). The addiction level of freshman students in collecting information on mobile phones is slightly higher than that of the other three grades. ③The results of multivariate linear regression analysis showed that the mobile phone addiction level of college students had an impact on learning input (P<0.05), with high addiction level and low learning input, mainly reflected in mobile social addiction and entertainment addiction.Conclusion The use of mobile phones by college students to collect information will not have a significant negative impact on learning investment, but the more social and entertainment activities using mobile phones, the more likely it is to reduce the degree of students ’learning investment.
  Key words  Types of mobile phone addiction;College students learning;Learning input;Learning process
  現代对学习投入的研究源自于Tyler在任务投入上的研究,较普遍接受的学习投入概念是由(Schaufeli  W B)等人所提出,包括活力、奉献、专注3个维度[1]。大学生学习投入是完成学业,取得良好发展的必要前提,也是对学生学习过程的一个重要观测与预测指标。学习投入水平高的学生,不仅能获得满足感和成就感,且会拥有更加出色的学业成绩[2]。